May 31, 2009

I will pour this chile right down your ignorant throat!

Sorry, Pat. This is a "no chile" rant, and you are not allowed to take it personally. I have not yet been offended by anyone's desire to leave chile out of their food after having tried it. But where do these people come from, who simply can't admit that they DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS!?! So try the freaking chile, and if you don't like it, then next time you can say so and we will smile and make your food without.

Well, maybe we won't smile, but we sure won't think you're an ignorant moron.

Where did this mass homogenization of American cuisine come from? WHY oh god WHY would you want everything to taste like something you've already had? WHY can't you be intrigued by new and different foods? So just TRY the chile, America. For goodness sake it's not going to kill you, and you may even LIKE it.
